Permitted Activities

Distributed Ledger Technology Services

Includes firms that provide database management solutions and ancillary services based on distributed ledger technologies, such as blockchain, such firms are not permitted to trade in, or setup an exchange for currencies or crypto currencies or commodities or provide any financial services, whether brokerage or payment processing.

Innovation & Artificial Intelligence Research & Consultancies

Includes firms specialized in providing studies and consultancies on innovation to technical and administrative personnel in the public and private sector to stimulate extraordinary thinking procedures and innovative solutions to the challenges comforting them, also, providing the same on artificial intelligence which is based on computers that capable of imitating the intelligent human behaviour to understand future developments.

Software House

Includes firms specialized in computer systems software design, implementation, operation and maintenance based on analysing the user's problems and his need for economical solution and the programs necessary for realizing such a solution, it involves designing application software designed to run on smartphones and mobile devices.

Technology Research & Development

Includes firms specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development research related to technology businesses for conducting innovation, introduction and improvement of its products and procedures. It includes setting guidelines to enhance designing, evaluating, implementing techniques and a series of investigative activities to develop new and improve existing products and procedures.

Information Technology Consultants

Includes providing technical services and consultancies with respect to information technology and applications like internet, internet and data warehousing to enhance the administrative and technical performance in different corporations. In addition to offering consultancies, to involve proposing the adequate software and handling the surveys and studies to determine the appropriate technology consistent with the nature of the firm, these firms are not entitled to market or produce any of the software or products related to said technology, the minimal degree required is BSc. in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experience.

Internet Consultancy

Includes firms specialised in drawing up the strategies of using internet technology in the commercial entities, as well as impose laying out the techniques of the practical application

IT Infrastructure

Includes firms specialized in laying the technical foundations of the information technology, which comprises the network, the systems and the databases. It also involves firms engaged in preparing the consultative studies along with the installations of the network and the systems, manpower training is also included.


Online services equipped with databases and programmes that are fitted as a service with basic functions of the technology platform. It also could be a junction between a content provider and a user for a broad array of resources and services.

Computer Consultancies

Includes firms which provide consultancy to enterprises and companies, prepare studies related to the analysis of users' needs as regards computer hardware and software and provide the best solutions. This also includes the choice of software that corresponds to the company's activities, the choice of operation specifications, the equipment and preparation of computer rooms, the preparation of purchase tender documents and offers, as well as other related services and consultancies.

Internet Content Provider

Includes firms specialized in providing internet sites with contents and make them available for users.

Network Consultancies

Includes providing comprehensive professional consultancies to IT organizations to help them match their needs with the networking solutions, it involves securing, analyzing and designing network solutions that maintain the security and integrity of their IT assets.

Public Networking Services

Includes firms specialized in providing the services of subscribing & connecting to international information networking as well as specialized information banks and exchange of electronic mail which includes operating systems and applications such as electronic mail and the exchange of data electronically by using communication networks as well as their local and international lines. The role of those is limited to facilitating subscription procedures against fees or specified amount.


Includes firms specialized in designing the pages of the electronic services sites, the internet is used here as infrastructure.

Cyber Security Consultancy

Includes firms specialized in offering comprehensive professional cybersecurity consultancy to other organizations on how to prepare for, avoid and protect themselves against cyber-attacks and threats, such threats might involve networks, computers, programs and data damage, unauthorized access, evaluating cybersecurity or cyber readiness to comply with regulations and reactive services, including responding to cyber breaches and recovery activities following a cyber incident.

Data Classification & Analysis Services

Includes firms specialized in evaluating and analyzing data provided by public and private entities, and arranging these data sets into a single repository to performs structured reviews and various analyses, as well as classifying according to their common characteristics, in order to discover useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making by said entities, with the goal of improving the investment returns and optimally utilize the resources, as well as enhancing the capabilities of such entities as regarding solving present problems and future challenges.

Education & Training Computer Software

Includes providing computer systems analysis and software design to the facilities involved in education and training process, it involves analyzing the user's needs and problems and offering consultancy on the best economical solution and the programs necessary for realizing such a solution, also, the software installation, testing and operation.

Education Technologies Research & Development

Includes centers or institutes specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development researches on learning technologies to set guidelines to enhance designing, evaluating and implementing learning techniques to reach the utmost efficiency.

Electronic Chips Programming

Includes programming electronic chips used in computers or in other automatic electronic devices, which are used in industry, vehicles, household electronic appliances and electronic games.

Steps to Get in Principal Approval

Step 1

Fill out and submit your online Initial Approval application (which will be sent via email)

Step 2

Your application is
under review for Initial

Step 3

In-Principal Approval

  • Permitted Activities
  • drop-down-icon
    Distributed Ledger Technology Services

    Includes firms that provide database management solutions and ancillary services based on distributed ledger technologies, such as blockchain, such firms are not permitted to trade in, or setup an exchange for currencies or crypto currencies or commodities or provide any financial services, whether brokerage or payment processing.

    Innovation & Artificial Intelligence Research & Consultancies

    Includes firms specialized in providing studies and consultancies on innovation to technical and administrative personnel in the public and private sector to stimulate extraordinary thinking procedures and innovative solutions to the challenges comforting them, also, providing the same on artificial intelligence which is based on computers that capable of imitating the intelligent human behaviour to understand future developments.

    Software House

    Includes firms specialized in computer systems software design, implementation, operation and maintenance based on analysing the user's problems and his need for economical solution and the programs necessary for realizing such a solution, it involves designing application software designed to run on smartphones and mobile devices.

    Technology Research & Development

    Includes firms specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development research related to technology businesses for conducting innovation, introduction and improvement of its products and procedures. It includes setting guidelines to enhance designing, evaluating, implementing techniques and a series of investigative activities to develop new and improve existing products and procedures.

    Information Technology Consultants

    Includes providing technical services and consultancies with respect to information technology and applications like internet, internet and data warehousing to enhance the administrative and technical performance in different corporations. In addition to offering consultancies, to involve proposing the adequate software and handling the surveys and studies to determine the appropriate technology consistent with the nature of the firm, these firms are not entitled to market or produce any of the software or products related to said technology, the minimal degree required is BSc. in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experience.

    Internet Consultancy

    Includes firms specialised in drawing up the strategies of using internet technology in the commercial entities, as well as impose laying out the techniques of the practical application

    IT Infrastructure

    Includes firms specialized in laying the technical foundations of the information technology, which comprises the network, the systems and the databases. It also involves firms engaged in preparing the consultative studies along with the installations of the network and the systems, manpower training is also included.


    Online services equipped with databases and programmes that are fitted as a service with basic functions of the technology platform. It also could be a junction between a content provider and a user for a broad array of resources and services.

    Computer Consultancies

    Includes firms which provide consultancy to enterprises and companies, prepare studies related to the analysis of users' needs as regards computer hardware and software and provide the best solutions. This also includes the choice of software that corresponds to the company's activities, the choice of operation specifications, the equipment and preparation of computer rooms, the preparation of purchase tender documents and offers, as well as other related services and consultancies.

    Internet Content Provider

    Includes firms specialized in providing internet sites with contents and make them available for users.

    Network Consultancies

    Includes providing comprehensive professional consultancies to IT organizations to help them match their needs with the networking solutions, it involves securing, analyzing and designing network solutions that maintain the security and integrity of their IT assets.

    Public Networking Services

    Includes firms specialized in providing the services of subscribing & connecting to international information networking as well as specialized information banks and exchange of electronic mail which includes operating systems and applications such as electronic mail and the exchange of data electronically by using communication networks as well as their local and international lines. The role of those is limited to facilitating subscription procedures against fees or specified amount.


    Includes firms specialized in designing the pages of the electronic services sites, the internet is used here as infrastructure.

    Cyber Security Consultancy

    Includes firms specialized in offering comprehensive professional cybersecurity consultancy to other organizations on how to prepare for, avoid and protect themselves against cyber-attacks and threats, such threats might involve networks, computers, programs and data damage, unauthorized access, evaluating cybersecurity or cyber readiness to comply with regulations and reactive services, including responding to cyber breaches and recovery activities following a cyber incident.

    Data Classification & Analysis Services

    Includes firms specialized in evaluating and analyzing data provided by public and private entities, and arranging these data sets into a single repository to performs structured reviews and various analyses, as well as classifying according to their common characteristics, in order to discover useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making by said entities, with the goal of improving the investment returns and optimally utilize the resources, as well as enhancing the capabilities of such entities as regarding solving present problems and future challenges.

    Education & Training Computer Software

    Includes providing computer systems analysis and software design to the facilities involved in education and training process, it involves analyzing the user's needs and problems and offering consultancy on the best economical solution and the programs necessary for realizing such a solution, also, the software installation, testing and operation.

    Education Technologies Research & Development

    Includes centers or institutes specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development researches on learning technologies to set guidelines to enhance designing, evaluating and implementing learning techniques to reach the utmost efficiency.

    Electronic Chips Programming

    Includes programming electronic chips used in computers or in other automatic electronic devices, which are used in industry, vehicles, household electronic appliances and electronic games.

  • Steps to Get in Principal Approval
  • drop-down-icon
    Step 1

    Fill out and submit your online Initial Approval application (which will be sent via email)

    Step 2

    Your application is
    under review for Initial

    Step 3

    In-Principal Approval

  • Steps to Register Legal Entity
  • drop-down-icon
    Step 1

    Submit the relevant documents and make your payments (credit/debit card, bank transfer, cash)*

    Step 2

    Incorporation Complete. Receive all corporate documents automatically via email.

    Step 3

    Renew your license annually & lease (depending on your payment method)

  • Popular Documents
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    Dubai AI and Web 3.0 License
    Activity Description